South Africa
Hear Her Voice
Social development 29 Nov 2022

This 16 Days of Activism Against GBV, Let’s Stop Financial Abuse and #HearHerVoice

Is it possible to be financially abused? How can we teach our men not to use money as a weapon?

And how can we teach our women to maintain their financial independence, so they don’t get trapped in a relationship they don’t want to be in? How do we educate our girls to prioritise their independence? And how do we teach our boys to respect women and see them as equals?

These are the questions we asked ourselves ahead of creating content for the 16 Days of Activism this year. These questions spark difficult conversations that we need to have, but at the same time, they are no substitute for the grassroots work done by the incredible counsellors, activists and educators who help victims of gender-based violence (GBV) or try to stem the tide of violence against women and children daily.

Cheryl Hlabane is one such a person, through her work for the Friday Hartley Shelter for Women and Children. She spoke to us about the link between finances and GBV, and we learned from her that financial abuse is considered 1 of the 6 types of abuse that exist, the others being physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse and cultural abuse.

Stay tuned as we share some of Cheryl’s insights throughout the 16 Days of Activism. We will also be conducting some social experiments that highlight society’s reluctance to engage around difficult issues such as GBV.

  • If you are a victim of GBV or know someone who is, have a look at the following resources for free counselling and shelter:  If you are in urgent need of shelter, contact the Friday Hartley Shelter for Women and Children:

    Telephone: 011 648 6005 or 076 18 64648  
  • If you are a victim of abuse and need someone to talk to, contact the Tears Foundation:

    Helpline: *134*7355#
    Landline: 010 590 5920
    Email: [email protected]
  • Alternatively, if you are a victim of abuse and need someone to talk to, contact POWA:

    Counselling Email: [email protected]
    Telephone: 011 591 6803  
  • If you are experiencing mental health challenges as a result of being a victim of abuse, contact SADAG:

    Counselling (8am–8pm): 011 234 4837
    Suicidal Emergencies: 0800 567 567
    24hr Helpline: 0800 456 789