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Commercial property insurance

Guard against loss of income with building insurance that’s tailored to your needs as an owner, investor or developer.
Some of the benefits
Competitive quotes
Let us negotiate competitive terms from leading insurers, with wider cover and benefits
Tenants’ risk
Have your tenants’ business included in your property risk assessment
Insure renovations or refurbishments when converting residential properties
Extended cover
Enjoy extended cover for your building, rental income and public liabilities
What’s covered
- Property owners’ liability up to R 50m
- Exterior theft up to R 250 000
- Theft with forcible entry up to the full value of your building
- Extended cover for building liabilities
- Loss of rental for up to 30% of total sum insured
- Fire and peril cover for full replacement value
- Malicious damage cover for full replacement value
- Geysers for full replacement value (optional)
- Special re-instatement with solar or energy solutions
- Glass cover extended up to R 1m for a single event
- Leakage from sprinkler systems
- Lost or stolen keys, remotes or access cards up to R 20 000
What we can help with
- End-to-end insurance solutions for owner-occupiers, developers and investors
- Conversions from residential to commercial property
- Renovations, refurbishments and extensions cover
- Performance guarantees and contract works policies
- Stand-alone insurance for generators and energy-efficient solutions
What it costs
- Premiums are based on your needs and business risk profile
How to claim
- Call us on 0860 123 555
- Or call 0860 123 999
What’s covered
What we can help with
What it costs
How to claim
- Property owners’ liability up to R 50m
- Exterior theft up to R 250 000
- Theft with forcible entry up to the full value of your building
- Extended cover for building liabilities
- Loss of rental for up to 30% of total sum insured
- Fire and peril cover for full replacement value
- Malicious damage cover for full replacement value
- Geysers for full replacement value (optional)
- Special re-instatement with solar or energy solutions
- Glass cover extended up to R 1m for a single event
- Leakage from sprinkler systems
- Lost or stolen keys, remotes or access cards up to R 20 000
- End-to-end insurance solutions for owner-occupiers, developers and investors
- Conversions from residential to commercial property
- Renovations, refurbishments and extensions cover
- Performance guarantees and contract works policies
- Stand-alone insurance for generators and energy-efficient solutions
- Premiums are based on your needs and business risk profile
- Call us on 0860 123 555
- Or call 0860 123 999
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