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An alternative approach to banking based on fairness, transparency, and shared responsibility. Focusing on investments and profit-sharing that adhere to the principles of Islamic Banking.
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Get to know the Shari’ah Advisory Committee
Mufti Zaid Haspatel
Mufti Zaid Haspatel completed his BA/MA Aalim course with distinction, followed by the Iftaa course at Darul Uloom Zakariyya, specialising in Islamic jurisprudence and the issuance of Fatwas (Islamic legal verdicts). Since graduating, he has been a lecturer at Darul Uloom Zakariyya and remains actively engaged in the field of Iftaa, with a particular emphasis on Islamic finance. He also serves as a Shari’ah Advisor to several leading financial institutions, including First National Bank, Standard Bank, Nedbank, Investec Bank, TymeBank, Alexander Forbes, 27Four and Sentio Capital.
Mufti Yusuf Suliman
Mufti Yusuf Suliman consults with various Islamic financial institutions globally and is accredited by AAOIFI as a Shari’ah advisor and auditor. He developed Islamic Banking learning material for Islamic financial institutions in South Africa and is a member of the Shari’ah Advisory Committees of Islamic banks, asset managers and Takaful companies. He has certificates in Qadhaa (adjudication) from Imarat Shari’ah, India, and Iftaa (issuance of Islamic verdicts) from Darul Uloom Zakariyya, South Africa.
Qari Mohamed Sauleh Peck
Qari Mohamad Sauleh completed his degree in Higher Islamic Education, Aalim Faadhil (with distinction) as well as Iftaa at Darul Uloom Zakariyya with specialisation in the Quranic field of Qira-āt. He established the Fatimah Institute in Houghton for women to gain knowledge of the Qur'an and specialise in the sciences of Arabic morphology, syntax, Quranic exegesis, Hadith and Jurisprudence. He has been a lecturer at Darul Uloom Zakariyya since 1998. He is the Director of Ma’had Al Imam Al Rafi’i Institute for Higher Islamic Sciences, specialising in Shafi’i jurisprudence. He is currently the senior Imam at the West Street Masjid in Houghton, Johannesburg.