Register for MyUpdates

Stay informed and in control of your accounts by registering for unlimited SMS, email or in app alerts notifications of the activity in your bank accounts.
Some of the benefits
Track transactions
Monitor the transactions on your account
Get multiple notifications
Decide which notifications you want to receive such as, debit orders or withdrawals
Manage accounts
Manage your selected accounts by staying connected to their activities
Reduce fraud
You can confidently identify suspicious activity on your account
Alerts include
- Point-of-Sale (POS) payments that are processed in real-time
- Electronic account payments and deposits
- Cash withdrawals
- Debit orders*
- Stop orders*
- Failed payments*
- Reversed payments*
* You’ll be notified of overnight transactions the following morning.
How to get it
To register for my updates:
- Visit your nearest branch.
- Visit a Private Banking suite.
- Visit a Wealth and Investment suite
Preferred Communication method:
- Visit the help center to learn how to opt in for in app messaging.
- If preferred method is SMS/Email, speak to your banker when registering at the branch
To register or report suspicious activity on your account:
- Call us on 0860 123 107 / 010 824 2090
- If you’re not in South Africa, call us on +27 11 299 4714
- Or speak to us at your nearest branch
What it costs
MyUpdates Notifications
- Notifications are free for 1 email address or for in-app notifications.
- R15 monthly for additional email addresses.
- SMS notifications will be charged at 45c per SMS, and the total charge will be posted to the account at month end.
Alerts include
How to get it
What it costs
- Point-of-Sale (POS) payments that are processed in real-time
- Electronic account payments and deposits
- Cash withdrawals
- Debit orders*
- Stop orders*
- Failed payments*
- Reversed payments*
* You’ll be notified of overnight transactions the following morning.
To register for my updates:
- Visit your nearest branch.
- Visit a Private Banking suite.
- Visit a Wealth and Investment suite
Preferred Communication method:
- Visit the help center to learn how to opt in for in app messaging.
- If preferred method is SMS/Email, speak to your banker when registering at the branch
To register or report suspicious activity on your account:
- Call us on 0860 123 107 / 010 824 2090
- If you’re not in South Africa, call us on +27 11 299 4714
- Or speak to us at your nearest branch
MyUpdates Notifications
- Notifications are free for 1 email address or for in-app notifications.
- R15 monthly for additional email addresses.
- SMS notifications will be charged at 45c per SMS, and the total charge will be posted to the account at month end.