South Africa

Student Loan Calculator

Use our calculators to work out how much you qualify for, estimate your monthly repayments and see how changes in term and interest rates will affect the repayment.

How much will you pay each month

Estimated Monthly Repayment

R 0

Estimated Monthly Repayment

R 0

(To be paid upon completion of studies)

Monthly interest and fees

R 0

Estimated Monthly Interest and Fees repayment

R 0

(To be paid while studying)

Estimated Monthly Repayments

R 0

(To be paid upon completion of studies calculated over a 60 month term)

Step 2: Do I Qualify Do I qualify?


The results obtained through the online calculator are for illustrative purposes only and may vary depending on the accuracy of the information you provide when you use the calculator. Standard Bank does not guarantee, either expressly or by implication, that the fees and repayments generated by the online calculator will be equivalent to what is quoted on the credit agreement should you proceed with a loan application and makes no representations in this regard.

You can apply for a minimum loan amount of R5 000. The maximum loan amount is based on affordability and the ability to repay the loan. Our monthly service fee is R69 and our once-off initiation fee ranges from R649.75 up to a maximum of R1 207.50 (VAT inclusive).

If you are a full-time student while studying, your surety will be required to pay interest and fees only. Our loan repayment term ranges from a minimum of 12 months to a maximum of 120 months. Our interest rates are personalized ranging from a minimum of 11.00%* (prime interest rate) to a maximum of 17.00%*

Some examples: Full-time student (who is still studying): The estimated repayment for a R50 000 loan at an interest rate of 11.00%* per annum will be *R588.40 per month.
Full-time student (who is working): The estimated repayment for a R50 000 loan at an interest rate of 11.00 %* per annum over 72 months will be *R1 043.69 per month.
Part-time student: The estimated repayment for a R50 000 loan at an interest rate of 11.00%* over 44 months would be *R1 488.50 per month.