South Africa

Bank fees and charges

It is important to remember that there are fees involved when you have a bank account. However, bank fees differ between banks and products, and some accounts include a range of service fees for free.

What are the different types of bank fees?

  • ATM withdrawal fees
  • Fees for insufficient funds or overdraft
  • Monthly service fee
  • Balance enquiries at the ATM
  • Debit order fees
  • Deposits at the ATM or till
  • Online payment fees

Top tip: Compare different banks and products to ensure you’re choosing the best bank account for you.

How to avoid unnecessary bank fees:

  • Use your own bank’s ATMs as often as possible to avoid higher withdrawal fees
  • Try to withdraw less, as you pay every time
  • Use the additional channels your bank provides like till point withdrawals
  • Keep an eye on your bank statements to see where most of our fees are coming from
  • View your balances online or on your phone as you get charged at the ATM

Your bank can provide you with information on monthly fees and how much your transactional activities will cost you. If you develop cost-saving habits, you’ll be surprised at how much you can save, and how affordable banking can be.