Free financial calculators and tools
Want to crunch some numbers to plan your financial future? Our financial calculators lets you calculate the costs or gains of the product(s) you’re putting your money in. That way, you’ll get real-life* numbers applicable to your unique situation to help you figure out your next steps.
It’s quick and easy to use, all you have to do is fill in the amounts requested over the term and click ‘calculate’.
Bond calculator
Are you looking for a home and want to know how much you can afford? Our home loan calculators can assess:
- the bond amount you can afford
- what the monthly repayments would be based on your interest rate and payment term
- how much you’d need to pay to reduce your bond and how much that will save you overall
This is an important first step in the homebuying journey as it can help you plan your budget, while fast-tracking the application process.
Vehicle financing calculator
If you’re in the market for a new or used car, you’ll want to know what price range is in your budget and what the instalments would be. Our car finance calculator can help you determine:
- what you can afford to spend on a new vehicle based on your budget
- what price range you should realistically be looking at
- your estimated monthly repayments over different periods
Personal loan calculator
Whether you need money to make a large purchase or pay for unexpected expenses, seeing how much credit you can take on and what it will cost is a good place to start. Use our personal loan calculator to see:
- how much you qualify for
- what your monthly payments could be
- how changes in repayment term, interest rates and missed and early payments could affect your current or future loan
Savings and investment product filter
Need help choosing a savings or investment account that will help you grow your money? Use our savings and investment filter to access:
- a comparison of the different product features and benefits
- an indication of how much your funds would’ve grown by the end of the period
- how much risk you’d take on that account
- how much it would cost you to access that money earlier than expected
Savings and investment product filter
Student loan calculator
Before you achieve your education goals, it’s important to understand in advance how a student loan will impact your life after graduating. Our student loan calculator lets you work out the following:
- how much you qualify for
- what the estimates of your monthly repayments will be
- how the term and interest rate will affect your loan amount
*Note: our online calculators provide an indication only and are used at your own discretion. The results may vary depending on the accuracy of the information you provide. Criteria used to form the basis of the calculations are subject to change. The fees or repayment estimations generated by the online calculators are not guaranteed to be equivalent to what is quoted on the credit agreement should you proceed with a loan or account application.