South Africa
Repaying a student loan
Loans & Credit

Repaying a student loan

A repayment plan can make repaying a student loan simple and hassle-free. Flexible and affordable repayment options are available.

When you will need to start repaying The student loan?


  • You applied for your loan with someone else standing surety. The loan is in your name, and you’ll need to repay the loan through monthly instalments.
  • You will start repaying the loan on completion of your studies. However, during your time of study, your surety will pay the monthly interest and fees.
  • You will be given a grace period of up to six months on completion of your studies before you have to make full repayments towards your loan.
  • You or your surety will need to start repaying your loan immediately if you fail to complete your studies.


  •  As a part-time student, you start full repayments from inception of the loan. .


  • While studying, you are not expected to repay your student loan. However, we encourage you to make payments if you can. There are no penalties for any additional payments made.
  • Interest and fees will be charged to your loan account monthly from inception of the loan.
  • You will be given a grace period of up to six months on completion of your studies or if you drop out before you are required to start full repayments on your loan.


  • Draw up a budget as soon as you start earning a salary and include your monthly student loan repayments in your fixed expenses.
  • Aim to pay back your loan as soon as possible because the longer you take, the more interest you will pay.
  • It is vital that you understand your loan structure and keep track of your balance, charges and repayment status. Also, make sure you pay at least your minimum monthly amount so your debt won’t increase, and if you can, try to pay more than you owe every month to reduce your charges.
  •  Let us know when you finish your studies so that we can discuss options with you for the repayment of your student loan. This will be an exciting time for you and we want to make this stress-free for you if at all possible. Just visit your nearest branch when you’re ready.
  • Consider Personal Loan Protection Plan so you’re covered if you’re unable to continue working.