Standard Insurance Limited

All-inclusive comprehensive short-term insurance for your car, home and buildings. Cover can be provided as an all-inclusive packaged deal for all three, or as standalone cover options.
Some of the Benefits
Home Assist
A 24-hour home care service, designed to assist with emergency household problems such as: bursts, leaks, geysers, broken windows, lock-outs, floods, electrical failures
and events causing structural damage. We cover the call out fee.
Roadside Assist
Roadside Assistance always covers you for roadside emergencies such as a flat battery, flat tyre, keys locked in motor vehicle, no fuel and much more. We will take you home in the event of a motor vehicle accident where your motor vehicle is not drivable.
Cash back
Receive a percentage of your premiums back for not claiming in the initial 3 years and for every year claim free thereafter.
What we cover
- Car - Our vehicle insurance provides various cover type; Comprehensive cover, Third party, fire and theft, Third party only. Each cover type allows for exciting options which offer various benefits:
- Extended new for old replacement (24 months)
- Purchase price replacement
- Better motor vehicle replacement
- Retail value replacement
- Market value replacement
- Top-up cover
- Safe Driver Discount
- Household Content - Content cover insures your household contents for loss or damage by an insured event such as Fire, storm, theft and earthquake
- Include All risk cover to your household contents insurance to insure all the unspecified property such as clothes and personal equipment worn or designed to be carried on or by a person
- Building – covers physical structures and improvements to your building including fixtures and fittings attached to walls, floor, roof or land that make up the insured property
- Cover benefits
- Rental benefit in the event your house is not liveable
- Security guard benefit, if security features have been compromised
- Cover benefits
**Get content and building cover and you automatically receive free Personal liability cover worth R10 000 000
Other available cover:
- All Risks
- Personal Accident
- Personal Liability
- Legal Assist
- Hospital Cash Plan
- Top-Up
- Watercraft
- Personal Computer
What you get
- Cash Back and reward options – Not claiming has profit
- Variable no claim cashback
- No Claim Cashback
- 13th month no premium payable
- Convenience Benefits - We care about your wellbeing, and we would like to help you return to where you were before any unforeseen incident
- Road assistance for roadside emergencies like a flat tyre, keys locked in your motor vehicle
- Home emergency services to help you with household problems or emergencies, such as a faulty geyser or accidental glass breakage
- Road accident legal assistance helps you to claim from the Road accident Fund (RAF), if you are in a motor vehicle accident
- Trauma counselling is provided if you have been a victim of a violent act of theft, hold-up or high-jacking
- Medical expenses if any motor vehicle occupant suffers injury in an accident
- Take-me home service in the event you are stranded on the side of the road due to theft or you cannot drive your car, we’ll organize you transport to your nearest destination
** terms and conditions apply for the above-mentioned benefits
What it costs
- Premiums are based on the cover you choose and your risk profile
How to claim
- Please call 0860 123 444 or email [email protected] to log a claim
- For all other queries feel free to email [email protected]
What we cover
What you get
What it costs
How to claim
- Car - Our vehicle insurance provides various cover type; Comprehensive cover, Third party, fire and theft, Third party only. Each cover type allows for exciting options which offer various benefits:
- Extended new for old replacement (24 months)
- Purchase price replacement
- Better motor vehicle replacement
- Retail value replacement
- Market value replacement
- Top-up cover
- Safe Driver Discount
- Household Content - Content cover insures your household contents for loss or damage by an insured event such as Fire, storm, theft and earthquake
- Include All risk cover to your household contents insurance to insure all the unspecified property such as clothes and personal equipment worn or designed to be carried on or by a person
- Building – covers physical structures and improvements to your building including fixtures and fittings attached to walls, floor, roof or land that make up the insured property
- Cover benefits
- Rental benefit in the event your house is not liveable
- Security guard benefit, if security features have been compromised
- Cover benefits
**Get content and building cover and you automatically receive free Personal liability cover worth R10 000 000
Other available cover:
- All Risks
- Personal Accident
- Personal Liability
- Legal Assist
- Hospital Cash Plan
- Top-Up
- Watercraft
- Personal Computer
- Cash Back and reward options – Not claiming has profit
- Variable no claim cashback
- No Claim Cashback
- 13th month no premium payable
- Convenience Benefits - We care about your wellbeing, and we would like to help you return to where you were before any unforeseen incident
- Road assistance for roadside emergencies like a flat tyre, keys locked in your motor vehicle
- Home emergency services to help you with household problems or emergencies, such as a faulty geyser or accidental glass breakage
- Road accident legal assistance helps you to claim from the Road accident Fund (RAF), if you are in a motor vehicle accident
- Trauma counselling is provided if you have been a victim of a violent act of theft, hold-up or high-jacking
- Medical expenses if any motor vehicle occupant suffers injury in an accident
- Take-me home service in the event you are stranded on the side of the road due to theft or you cannot drive your car, we’ll organize you transport to your nearest destination
** terms and conditions apply for the above-mentioned benefits
- Premiums are based on the cover you choose and your risk profile
- Please call 0860 123 444 or email [email protected] to log a claim
- For all other queries feel free to email [email protected]
Standard Insurance Limited is a short-term insurance company (Reg. No. 1993/007593/06)