South Africa
Getting to know the app 5 Mar 2025

UCount Rewards add-on

Make every swipe count! Earn amazing rewards simply for banking with us.
Step 1 of 18
  • To begin, sign into your Banking App on your mobile device
  • You will land on your Banking App home screen
  • Then select the Add-on Store icon (in the top left-hand corner)
Step 2 of 18
  • You are now in the Add-on Store
  • Select the search icon (in the top right-hand corner)
Step 3 of 18
  • Type "UCount" into the search bar
  • You will now see the UCount Rewards  add-on tile
  • Select the ADD button
Step 4 of 18

Now select ADD.

Step 5 of 18
  • Your UCount Rewards add-on is now loaded onto your Banking App home screen
  • Select DONE to return to your home screen
Step 6 of 18

Your UCount Rewards add-on will now appear in the Add-ons drawer (in the lower section of your home screen.
As a first-time user, you will need to go through a quick authentication process to link your UCount Rewards account. Tap on the UCount Rewards add-on tile.

However, if you’ve linked your account already, simply tap on your new UCount Rewards add-on tile to get started.

Step 7 of 18

Finally enter the One-Time Pin (OTP) that is sent to your cellphone number or email address.

Once we’ve linked your UCount Rewards account, you’ll then have access to your UCount dashboard through your new UCount Rewards add-on tile.

Step 8 of 18

Your UCount Rewards account has been successfully linked to your banking profile.

Now let's show you how to use your UCount Rewards add-on … tap on the tile.

Step 9 of 18

Welcome to your UCount Rewards Home dashboard.

Here you’re able to see your Rewards Points, their value in Rands, and your current tier level

Let’s tap on My Rewards Detail to get an overview of your points and where they were earned!

Step 10 of 18

Your UCount Overview allows you to see:

  • what tier level you’re on
  • how many tiering points you need to get to the next tier; and
  • where you earned different reward points in the past month e.g. Retailer Rewards
  • if you’d like the inside scoop on improving your Tier level, select How to Tier Up

When you ready, tap on Home to return to your Home dashboard.

Step 11 of 18

Next, scroll up and to take a look at what else lives on your Home page.

Let’s tap on the Goals and Gains View all link.

Step 12 of 18

On the Goals & Gains screen you see which gains you can claim every time you achieve your allocated goals.

Simply tap on the info icon in the top right corner for more information.

When you ready, tap on Home to return to your Home dashboard.

Step 13 of 18

By scrolling through your Home page, you can select Tier Up Now and get the inside scoop on improving your Tier game.

Here you can explore our Rewards Benefit section for competitions and rewards insights, like how and where you can earn and redeem your Rewards Points.

Step 14 of 18

Under the Redeem section (menu option), you can:

  • redeem your points for a Voucher from one of our official retailer partners
  • transfer the Rand value of your points into your qualifying Standard Bank Accounts
  • go to our Online Portal to redeem points for items such as airtime and data
  • explore our Travel Mall for exclusive deals


Step 15 of 18

Inside the Retailers section (menu option) you’ll find a list of our official retail partners where you can earn and redeem your Rewards Points.

For a view of your nearest retailer’s location or online shop, tap on any retailer’s logo.

Step 16 of 18

Inside the Vouchers section (menu option) to get a view of all your vouchers, that you have earned or purchased, past and current.

Step 17 of 18

Finally, select the hamburger icon on the top right-hand corner on your dashboard to view more UCount Rewards options.

Step 18 of 18

Here you have access to More options like your Account Settings; About UCount Rewards; Frequently asked Questions, and our contact details.

ALL done! When you’re ready, select the back arrow (in the top navigation) to return Home dashboard.

