Consolidator Banking Account

Make banking a simple pleasure with special rates and benefits for over-55s.
Monthly fee
Income required
Some of the benefits
Change your overdraft limit on your phone, online or at any AutoPlus ATM
Extra interest
Preferential rates on notice and fixed deposit investment accounts
Switch your personal insurance to us for discounted premiums
Travel perks
Get Free automatic travel insurance when you pay for tickets by card
What you get
- Extra 0.5% interest on fixed deposit investments for balances below R100 000
- Link your card for free online, cellphone, telephone and mobile app banking
- Buy airtime, data or electricity on your phone, online or at your nearest ATM
- InstantMoney™ to send cash using your phone or ATMs, or at various retailers
- Free automatic travel insurance when you pay for tickets by card
- Wills drafted and reviewed at no cost
- Unlimited swipes and cash withdrawals at till-points
- Unlimited electronic debit transactions and balance enquiries
- Monthly statements via email
- Notifications on transactions via MyUpdates
- Get your monthly account fees back in Standard Bank Mobile airtime*
*T&Cs apply
Personal transaction accounts T&Cs
General T&Cs
Standard Bank Connect T&Cs
Card features
- Secure Chip and PIN enabled card
- Global Mastercard or Visa acceptance and ATM network
- Access to Mastercard or Visa offers and their 24/7 emergency services contact centres*
- Link your card to the SnapScan or Masterpass apps to pay by phone and shop securely online
- Automatic lost card protection
- Activate or disable till point, ATM and online card functionality using our App
*T&Cs apply
What it costs
Choose from three different fee options.
- R 49 monthly fee
- Pay as you transact
- Rebate pricing option
How to get it
What you’ll need
- Income of R 8 000 a month
- Or a savings or investment account balance of at least R 5 000
- Your South African ID (or passport and residence permit if not an SA citizen)*
- Proof of residence not older than 3 months
*You must be over 55
What you get
Card features
What it costs
How to get it
- Extra 0.5% interest on fixed deposit investments for balances below R100 000
- Link your card for free online, cellphone, telephone and mobile app banking
- Buy airtime, data or electricity on your phone, online or at your nearest ATM
- InstantMoney™ to send cash using your phone or ATMs, or at various retailers
- Free automatic travel insurance when you pay for tickets by card
- Wills drafted and reviewed at no cost
- Unlimited swipes and cash withdrawals at till-points
- Unlimited electronic debit transactions and balance enquiries
- Monthly statements via email
- Notifications on transactions via MyUpdates
- Get your monthly account fees back in Standard Bank Mobile airtime*
*T&Cs apply
Personal transaction accounts T&Cs
General T&Cs
Standard Bank Connect T&Cs
- Secure Chip and PIN enabled card
- Global Mastercard or Visa acceptance and ATM network
- Access to Mastercard or Visa offers and their 24/7 emergency services contact centres*
- Link your card to the SnapScan or Masterpass apps to pay by phone and shop securely online
- Automatic lost card protection
- Activate or disable till point, ATM and online card functionality using our App
*T&Cs apply
Choose from three different fee options.
- R 49 monthly fee
- Pay as you transact
- Rebate pricing option
What you’ll need
- Income of R 8 000 a month
- Or a savings or investment account balance of at least R 5 000
- Your South African ID (or passport and residence permit if not an SA citizen)*
- Proof of residence not older than 3 months
*You must be over 55
Tips and guidance
Getting started
Getting started
Learn to make the most of your new card.
Using your card
Using your card
Making changes to your card is quick, safe and easy when you know how.
Keeping your card safe
Keeping your card safe
Using your card is one of the safest ways to pay, but you should always take precautions.
Ways to pay by card
Ways to pay by card
Using a credit or debit card gives you various payment options.

Register now to benefit from paying with your Credit, Cheque or Debit card.
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