South Africa
What are you offering?
Business Planner - step 9
Step 9

Identify your business’s unique offering and benefits

People buy benefits, not features
Features are the facts about your product/service. Benefits are why that feature matters for your customers. No matter how amazing a feature may be, people buy the benefits the feature provides. Let’s say you live in Cape Town. You go into an umbrella shop and the very friendly owner shows you a particular umbrella that’s pricier than the others and tells you about its amazing features: a 14mm carbon fibreglass shaft, double carbon fibreglass ribs supporters, high-density Pongee fabric and a bearing weight of 100kg. You think to yourself, “So what?”

Now imagine that the umbrella seller rather tells you about the benefits those features provide: this particular umbrella has unbreakable spokes, will stand up to the fastest winds you’ll ever find yourself in, and the fabric can withstand very heavy rain – so not only will it keep the rain off you, but it also won’t blow inside-out and break in Cape Town’s fierce winds. You look outside at the howling wind and lashing rain... sale made!

Think about the features of your product/service and figure out every benefit (big and small). Remember that a benefit may be obvious to you but it may not be obvious to customer.
Your USP (Unique Selling Point)
Your USP refers to the unique benefit of a feature of your product/service that enables it to stand out from your competitors. Your USP tells customers why they should buy from you and not from the competition. It also prevents you from getting lost in the crowd. As a new business, highlighting your USP will give you a huge advantage and make you stand out in the mind of your customers.
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